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Going Missional Stories

10 September 2023


Global Missions

"I was with a team in Zambia volunteering as birth attendants in a hospital. We started chatting about Jesus with some of the Christian midwives. I shared with them that we have Bibles to give to the women. They asked me if they could have one. One of the midwifes was not from town and left her Bible in her village far away. She was so blessed by the Bible that she couldn't stop smiling. Then I asked her if I could pray for her and after prayed we were both in tears. "

Alyssa Wingenroth

10 September 2023


Global Missions

"In a small town outside Juba, we were able to teach and train the local midwives to help save lives of women and babies. These healthcare workers were all Christian and we were able to bring them encouragement and pray for them and at the same time as teach them these practical things."

Alyssa Wingenroth

10 September 2023


Global Missions

"One day we got a call from the local nurse to come to help a women in labour. She was in a lot of pain and when the baby was nearly here she said she couldn't do it. We encouraged her and prayed for her. In the end she did so well and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. What a privilege we get to be with women in these moments when they feel like they cannot make it but then with God's help He gives them the strength!"

Alyssa Wingenroth

10 September 2023


Global Missions

"There was a mom having a labour complication where they were not able to find the heartbeat of the baby. I prayed and then asked if I could check one more time, I checked and I could feel the heart beating. We thank God that He is a God who performs miracles even today and brings life to little babies like this one!"

Alyssa Wingenroth

22 August 2023


Local Missions

"The first few times I served in ECM, I struggled to connect with some of the congregation, probably because I was worried we didn't have anything in common to talk about. After attending a few times, I was having an extended conversation with someone, he shared with me some of the problems he was facing and encouraged him. I learned that it is untrue that I have nothing in common with them there, as we have Christ in common."

Jeremiah Tan

22 August 2023


Local Missions

"ECM has given me opportunities to meet people of very different walks of life. I used to hesitate about going into missions if I'm not passionate about it but I think when we obey even if we don't feel like it, God can use these platforms to teach us and help us catch His heart for the broken. I believe He's started that work in me and is still doing as I continue to serve."

Jean Tan

22 August 2023


Local Missions

"I was leading worship and one of the church members Matt and his partner encouraged me that one of the songs, "As the deer pants" spoke to them and that they saw the joy through my worship. This was reassuring to know that I had been abiding in God's presence while preparing for the Sunday. God spoke to people through those songs. All credit to Him."

Allan Lai

22 August 2023


Local Missions

"I was invited to share at IYA's Camp. After praying, God told me to share about the 10 commandments and the Tabernacle. When I arrived there, I was told that the camp's theme was 'Sanctuary' - and the message prepared was relevant and impactful for them. One youth said, "Camp was really magical for me and changed my perspective completely, my relationship with God grew more powerful". To God be the glory."

Weisong Yang

29 June 2023


Local Missions

"I brought snacks with "Jesus watches over you "stickers on it to give to other patients every time I visited my son at the mental health ward. Of course, I needed to get permission from the nurse first before I could do that. One day, I was so "lucky" that the nurse even asked me for a gospel tract. Within one week, the whole ward heard the name of Jesus."

Kelly Kuang

17 May 2023


Global Missions

"My group leaned on the Holy Spirit's promptings and eventually across two elderly ladies. We used a Kanji quiz which had characters like 'love', 'salvation', 'righteousness', 'holy', 'etc to share the gospel. I thought that was it. Later, another group met them. Dani was prompted by the Spirit to pray for the lady’s right ear – sure enough the lady was experiencing problems in that ear. The lady agreed to be prayed for!"

Kevin Tjakradinata

25 April 2023


Global Missions

"I went for this mission trip hoping to bless others only to find that I felt more blessed in the end! Lynette and Rommel were reaching out to a lady and her dog had started barking continuously. The lady felt bad and was getting distracted. Kevin and I felt we should pray for them. I asked God to "calm the dog down, give it peace". The dog stopped barking. I felt grateful and happy that God answered my prayer."

Jared Tan

4 April 2023


Local Missions

"God has been increasing my heart for my local neighbourhood and with my ministry 100 Evangelists, I have been focusing on prayer walking and evangelism in our precinct. Something we would pray for a lot is for God to bring life, beauty and purpose in our area. God started to speak to us about being part of the answer so we organised markets in our local park which was a great success."

Kimberly Sloots

12 March 2023


Global Missions

"When we went to the rehabilitation clinic, the residents shared with us how they lived, and I felt sad. Our prayer team felt a stronghold of a spirit. They have a few big idols in there, but we believe our God is a living God and that the idols will not win over us. We saw inmates healed, revived and believing in God. They were eager to read more about God and wanted to pray. No one or thing can stop His Glory."

Lily Lee

12 March 2023


Global Missions

"Our team visited a drug rehabilitation house with many idols. There were over 150 residents there, and I saw no glimpses of smiles in their eyes, only loneliness and hopelessness. We trusted the Lord had begun a great work in the residents' hearts. I witnessed His mighty hand on people's hearts, many receive Christ as their Lord. The joy of the Lord was shown on their faces. All glory to God!"

Karren Han

12 March 2023


Global Missions

"I do not think I have prayed over so many people in my life before. This trip taught me to wholely depend on the Holy Spirit for prayers of salvation, encouragement and blessings, especially in my weakened state. I now truly believe that God can use anyone, for someone's salvation and restoration. Without the Holy Spirit, I won't have the courage or words to pray and share. So truly, all Glory and Honour belongs to God."

Joya Tan

12 March 2023


Global Missions

"It was a tough day for us. Someone spoke into my life and assured me God sees my heart and that I am a weapon for God (spoken by 3 different people). This hit me deep inside, and I started crying. I felt assured by God. Being the team leader was humbling, I needed to be willing to help anyone anytime, and any glory available could only go back to God. It has been my absolute joy to serve everyone and would gladly do it again!"

Allan Lai

12 March 2023


Global Missions

"Weeks before the trip, we contacted the airline and requested a compassionate waiver for 7 wheelchairs. Our connect
groups joined us in prayer, the airline responded 4 days before the flight and granted us a full waiver! This amounted to USD23/kg x 196kg = USD4,500 = (AUD6,720)! Where it seems like there is no way, God made a way at His perfect timing."

Judah Lim

12 March 2023


Global Missions

"In 2019, I went on my first medical mission trip to Cambodia. We visited FCC Roong, and partnered with New Life Fellowship Cambodia, where we met passionate people of God. I met them again, and they shared how the covid outbreak affected them. Despite it all, their faith in God never diminished. It has been a privilege to witness their servant's heart, complete reliance on the Lord, and their daily faithfulness in God's work."

Charis Kay

12 March 2023


Global Missions

"Our team set up a clinic with stations in the order of registration, check-up, doctor, physio, prayer and pharmacy. There were many people waiting. My leader asked me if I would like to do evangelical work with them. I replied "ok, why not" but my mind was blank. I prayed to God, 'what to do, Lord? Show me Lord'. I shared John 1 to introduce Jesus to them and asked if they wanted to accept Jesus. A lady said yes! Praise God for stirring her heart to receive Him."

Karren Han

12 March 2023


Global Missions

"At the drug rehab centre, I prayed for a young lady whose prayer request was to be freed from her addiction. It broke my heart that people seek things in the world/ sin to find life, but they will only find death and hopelessness. I felt God's compassion and heart for them to return to Him. The best thing we can give them is the good news of Jesus, the true living hope. Praise God that many heard the gospel and received Christ! "

Grace Chan

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